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Perception of Scientific Publications Abroad
Stefan Hornbostel © October 2006


Relative prominence of scientific literature, by selected field and region/country/economy
Relative prominence of scientific literature measured on basis of relative citation index of country/economy, i.e., country/economy's share of cited literature adjusted for its share of published literature. Country/economy's citation of own literature excluded. Index of 1.00 indicates country/economy's share of cited literature equals its world share of scientific literature. Index >1.00 or <1.00 indicates country/economy cited relatively more/less than indicated by its share of scientific literature. Countries/economies with share of world publications in cited field <0.10% during period either excluded or na. Citations on fractional-count basis, i.e., for cited articles with collaborating institutions from multiple countries/economies, each country/economy receives fractional credit on basis of proportion of its participating institutions. Data sorted by values of 1994
Scource: Science & Engineering Indicators – 2004, 2006