iQ Search
Our iQ Info-Section is not an intelligence test, nor does it answer any FAQs. Actually, iQ stands for Important Questions from the field of research evaluation. Since such questions come in many different forms, we decided to create a marketplace called Agora, where information, data, findings, bibliographical references and recommended reading, links and much more can be found, offered and exchanged – albeit without pursuing any strictly systematic approach. But we want Agora to offer more than information only from the iFQ. Indeed, we actually look forward to receiving contributions and articles from knowledgeable authors. We hope this will make it possible to continuously expand the range of information and services we offer. To take a look around Agora, simply enter one or several search terms or words into the search field (which supports the wild cards * and ?) or choose to have articles/topics displayed by titles.
Besides Agora, the iQ Info-Section also lists links to German universities, research databases, research sponsors and funding organisations, and to research organisations. We plan to extend the range and scope of information offered on Agora over the course of time.